Southern Vermont/ New Hampshire

Southern Vermont/ New Hampshire

Filtering by: “holiday”

UVJC Purim Party

UVJC Purim Party

UVJC Purim Party
 Saturday, March 23, 6 pm to 8 pm

RSVP by March 20 
Zoom for the Megillah reading,
which will begin at 7:30 pm

Happy Purim!
It's time to celebrate together with the entire community.
This event promises to be fun for all ages.
Get dressed up in your favorite costume or just grab a funny hat or accessory.

Here's what we're planning:
-Disco party and music
-Vashti's Vine Bar and Mordechai's Mocktails
[including: Long Island Vash-tea, Mordechai's Mojito, Esther's Persia-Politain
-Pizza, salads and hamantaschen
-Purim Pinata and games for the kids
-Dramatic reading in Hebrew/English of the "whole megillah"

 RSVP by March 20 so that we'll know how much pizza to order.

 Please sign up to bring a salad and/or a batch of hamantaschen
Here are a few recipes:

And, bring along a box or many boxes of mac n cheese.
These will serve as our groggers and then be donated to the Haven to fulfill the Purim mitzvah of feeding those in need.

Looking forward to celebrating and having some Purim fun together.

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Shabbat Shira & Tu B'Shvat

Shabbat Shira & Tu B'Shvat

In the Land of Israel-Palestine, the almond trees are blossoming. Whether or not you have ever participated in a Tu B’Shvat Seder before, please join us in celebrating this fun, tasty, multi-layered holiday. Tree foods, challah and grape juice provided with the support of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s Rekindle Shabbat grant. The seder itself consists of foods that grow on trees. Feel free to bring other foods to supplement. As is true of the Passover seder, there is an order to the Tu B’Shvat Seder, although it is more flexible than the Pesach order. The Tu B’Shvat seder was created by Kabbalists in 16th century Tsfat (aka Safed) in Northern Israel — the same mystics who created the Kabbalat Shabbat service.

You are also invited to bring tree-related poems and songs.

If you are able to help with set up for this seder, (preferably by coming at 9:30, before Shabbat Shira services begin), please contact

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