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PJ Library! Family Events!
PJ Library! Family Events!
This is the home for family friendly events! Updated weekly
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“I grew up culturally Jewish, but have never really practiced actively, so I was super excited to get PJ Library for my daughter when she was born to help keep that thread alive.
When Nora was about two and a half, one evening she just said, "Why are we a Jewish Family?" Well, clearly PJ Library Books did their work! I don't think she ever would have identified as Jewish without those monthly books!
Starting then, we committed to deepening our practice and now, five years later, we observe Shabbat every Friday and Havdalah every Saturday and are proud members of the Jewish Farmer Network.
PS My answer to her question at the time was, "Because we don't believe that one human being, no matter how amazing, can save all of humanity. We are all called upon to do good in the world every single day to make the world a better place. Many faiths believe this, but we happen to believe it in a Jewish way and call it Tikkun Olam." Ricky Klein
Sign up for PJ Library
A gift of Jewish storybooks delivered each month from JCVT and generous donors in the Vermont Jewish community and beyond.
PJ Library sends curated, award-winning storybooks and activities for kids from birth through age 12.
The program sparks meaningful conversation and provides opportunities to explore and celebrate Jewish life together.
Kids Events!
Kids Events! 〰️
Kids Events
Scroll down this page for information about Tamim Academy!

JCOGS Family Purim Party
Come and join us at JCOGS for this annual Family Purim Party. Expect games, songs, Persian potluck, Megillah reading, and a silly spiel. Come in costume or dress up on sight.

Tot Shabbat and Young Families Purim Party
There will be a Tot Shabbat service in the sanctuary starting at 9:30 am. Then we will move into the social hall for crafts, toys, face painting, and a photo booth.
Costumes are encouraged!
Please register by clicking on the button below so that we will know how many Purim baskets (Mishloach Manot) to make!
Contact Aimee Hutton for questions and more information.

Purim Palooza
Costumes Encouraged! Fun For All Ages! Free!
Donations Appreciated
Music & Dancing
Hamantaschen & Refreshments
Craft Projects
Juggling Workshop & More!

Purim Speil & Party
Join us in celebrating Purim and Cantorial Soloist Mark Leopold!
Set to music from Man of La Mancha, this original and ambitious show is a must see.
Long-time Cantorial Soloist Mark Leopold celebrates his retirement by donning the silly king’s crown—his first time ever in the role. Bring your groggers and cheer on our talented community as we transport you to a Persia set in seventeenth-century Spain for music and merriment and where the impossible dreams come true!
The Purimspiel starts at 6:00 and has a runtime of about one hour. It will be streamed on Zoom.
Note: In accordance with Ketuvim, some characters in the Purimspiel will portray excessive drinking. That aside, the show is family friendly.
Purim Party
The Purim party begins immediately following our performance and will have family-friendly activities and sweet treats. Costumes optional but encouraged.

BJ Purim Party!
Come celebrate Purim with us!
Our annual Purim Party is fun for all ages. Come in costume (if you want!) Get ready for tzedekah box decorating, listening to a portion of the megillah in both English and Hebrew, and of course, stay for pizza and hamantaschen!
Registration is required.

Sugar & Schmooze
Celebrate early spring in the sugar bush!
Join us as we gather in the Living Tree sugar bush to wake up Mother Earth and honor the Jewish month of joy and Vermont’s great miraculous thaw. Hibernation season is over, so let’s celebrate!
We’ll have lots to do at this all-ages seasonal celebration:
See an old-school maple sugar operation run by the Crowley family at Living Tree
Have fun with flower wreath making and face painting
Enjoy music and food by the fire
Revel in our community theater pageant—an “everyone plays a part” production
Share in the joy of fresh sap, syrup, and the new season
A few more details:
Admission is by pay-what-you-can donation ($18-54 suggested)
Be prepared for lots of mud (muckboots and waterproof pants recommended), as getting to the sugar house involves a walk.
Fresh maple syrup will be available for purchase—cash only!
Please leave your dogs at home
This event is co-sponsored with Jewish Communities of Vermont, with generous support of Harold Grinspoon Foundation.

Young Families Playgroup
The Temple Sinai Young Families PrograM
Monthly playgroup during the school year. Children are invited to bring push toys or ride on toys to use in our big social hall. We will also have toys available to play with.
Designed for ages 0-6, but all are welcome!
For more information, please contact Aimee Hutton.

Shoe B'Shvat
Beth Jacob is hosting an all ages/ all-levels snowshoe hike with Sarah Villanueva from 10:00am-12:00pm at North Branch Nature Center. Join naturalist Fiona Modrak for a guided hike where we discuss the local ecology of central Vermont and discuss how animals endure our winters! Take some trail mix home, each ingredient with a different intention as we bring in Tu B'Shvat together!
Gentle disclaimer: this is not a boots hike. Trails are maintained for those using snoeshoes/cross country skiis, and divits in the snow disrupts this. Snowshoes are available for rent upon arrival. Registrants are responsible for renting their own shoes. Bringing your own is also welcome!
Registration required for snowshoe count. We hope to see you there!

Tu Bishvat: a Celebration for the Trees
Celebrate the deep beauty of mid-winter with Living Tree Alliance as we gather to honor the holiday of Tu BiShvat, the birthday of the trees. With programs for all ages, we’ll build our relationship with the earth and with each other.
Program includes:
4:30 p.m. Sledding down the big hill
5 p.m.: two programs offered in the field at dusk
Family Outdoor Tree Celebration with games and observations
Adult Contemplative Sunset Tree Connection with prayer, song, and reflection
6 p.m.: Shabbat candle lighting & tree poetry at the Common House, followed by dinner and deepening our commitments as earth stewards as part of the birthday for the trees and mini Tu BiShvat seder.
A few more details:
Be sure to dress warmly for outdoor activities from 4:30–6 p.m.
Bring sleds, skis, and snowshoes for outdoor fun on the property.
Soup, salad and challah will be provided for dinner. You are welcome to bring a vegetarian side dish to share.
Please join us!
Tu BiShvat falls approximately halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. As the trees become another year older, this holiday invites us to consider the ways we can live in reciprocity with Mother Nature.

Erev Tu B'Shvat
Join the Israel Congregation Hebrew School for a Tu B'shvat Seder! Celebrate the Jewish Environmental Holiday with special foods and readings

Kids Tu B'Shvat Treehouse Adventure!
Kids Tu B'Shvat Treehouse Adventure!
Save the Date: Sunday, February 9th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at Chabad of Burlington

Young Families Playgroup
The Temple Sinai Young Families Program…
offers a monthly playgroup during the school year. Children are invited to bring push toys or ride on toys to use in our big social hall. We will also have toys available to play with.
Designed for ages 0-6, but all are welcome!
For more information, please contact Aimee Hutton.

Tot Shabbat
Kinderlach and Gesher is now TOT SHABBAT! Young families join Rabbi David and Beth for a sweet Shabbat morning of song, story, dance, and play with Shabbasaurus and Tzipi the Curious Bird. Followed by a lite nosh.
For kiddos birth to 6 years old and their grown ups.

Tot Shabbat
Tot Shabbat is a Shabbat service designed to engage young children and their families. Snacks and social time will follow the service.

Young Families Playgroup
Sunday, January 5, 9:30 - 11 am
Young Families Play Group
Temple Sinai Social Hall
Our monthly play group. Bring push toys or ride on toys. Other toys will also be available. Designed for children 0-6 years old and their families, but all are welcome!

8th Night of Hanukkah Party
Hanukkah Party Everyone Welcome 8th Night!!!! Bring Latkes and Menorahs

Chanukah Bonfire & Community Sing
We'll gather at Living Tree for an intergenerational celebration including:
Community crafts and games for all ages—you don't want to miss the infamous Maccabee fort, human dreidel contest, and gelt stacking!
A special music performance for the little ones with Miss Andrea of Musical Munchkins
Menorah lighting—feel free to bring your own!
Chanukah storytelling
Cozy potluck dinner—Latkes and Soup will be provided - bring a vegetarian dish to share
Seasonal song circle around the bonfire with Musicians Avi Salloway and Emma Back.
Co-sponsored by Jewish Communities of Vermont, PJ Library VT and Living Tree Alliance
Pay-what-you-can donation ($18–$56 per family suggested). No one turned away for inability to pay.Donations for this event will be split between LTA's end-of-year fundraising goals and the Good Samaritan homeless warming shelter in Montpelier.

Light up Waterbury & Stowe
Join us Sunday afternoon, December 29th, at Rusty Parker Memorial Park, at 4:00 pm for our third annual Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Celebration! Delicious Chanukah treats, music, hot cocoa, and and so much more! Also on the menu: good vibes and festive fun.
Our noses may be a little frosty, but with community togetherness and a public display of BEAMING Jewish pride like no other, our souls will be warm and bright.
We are so looking forward to you joining us for our biggest and best year yet. This event is open to all.
We hope to see you there!

NEK Hanukkah Party & Havdallah
Gather with the northern Jewish community for Hanukkah music with Rabbi David, a fabulous potluck, basking in the glow of the fourth candle . Bring your favorite menorah and a creative dish to share as we celebrate the Festival of Lights together in the Northeast Kingdom. Fun and games, too! All welcome!

Iron Chef Competition
Come celebrate the Festival of Lights with the famous JCOGS Iron Chef Competition! Enter with an amazing dish prepared with the secret ingredient or come hungry and vote. Bring your family menorah as we light up the dark together. Dreidel games, latkes, and song.
The secret ingredient this year is .... Light and Dark! Be creative! Think out of the "black and white cookie" box ;)
This year's celebrity judge is Ari Fishman of ZenBarn in Waterbury.
Compete for fantastic prizes from local businesses:
Commodities, Piecasso, Stowe Cider, Ranch Camp, Skinny Pancake, and Black Diamond BBQ!
To compete in the Iron Chef (registration appreciated at jcogs.org):
1. Dishes must be vegetarian*. Your creation can be savory or sweet or a combination ... (*dairy and fish are fine but no meat, no shellfish)
2. No peanut products please.
3. Make enough for fifty people to taste: small portions or can be cut into pieces after presentation. The celebrity judge will decide the first place winner. Party-goers will be voting for their favorites in the other categories.
4. Please prepare an ingredient list on a sheet of paper that's clear and easily read (computer printed preferred but not required).
5. Be creative! Judging will be for taste, presentation, and creative use of the secret ingredient

BJ's Annual Movie & Asian Food Event (Copy)
Join us for our annual Film & Asian Food Night! Dinner will be provided from Capitol Pho with options to choose from below. Film to be announced shortly!
Registration is required for ordering the correct meals. RSVP below!

Chanukah Party
Join us for our annual Chanukah Party on December 22 at 3:00pm! Latkes and other refreshment are potluck style. Please email Sarah if you are intending to bring latkes/condiments! Other vegetarian dishes are encouraged as well. Registration is encouraged

Tot Shabbat and Hanukkah Celebration
Tot Shabbat is a Shabbat service designed to engage young children and their families. Snacks and social time will follow the service.
Join us to celebrate Hanukkah!

Community Chanukah Celebration!
Light Chanukah Candles! & Play Dreidel! Eat Latkes, Sufganiyot and Pizza!
Cantor Scott Buckner and Jason Weinberger, orchestra conductor and concert producer, will present a musical program fun for the whole family!
RSVP by December 13th
Just click link or call 802-362-4578

Chanukah Party
Live klezmer music, latkes and & doughnuts!
Dreidel games & crafts!
To help us plan our set up needs please RSVPand let us know what you can bring! (You are most welcome to attend without bringing anything but like all Havurah events this is a community effort with lots of ways to lend a hand).
Chanukah Party
Join us for our annual Chanukah Party!
Including delicious food, fun games, songs, a candle lighting, raffles and crafts.
Food – latkes, salad, doughnuts
Music with Brass Balagan / 11:30 – 12:00 pm
Sing Along and Menorah Lighting with Cantor Silverberg / 12 – 12:30 pm
Toy/Game Raffle
Chocolate Fountain
Photo Booth
Family Gift Swap
Preschool Activities
Chanukah Gift Shop
Suggested Donation: $18 per family or $5 per individual, $3 per child.

Hanukkah Fun at the Johnson Jubilee
Come play dreidel, sing Hanukkah songs, and make art for the Festival of Lights. We're excited to be part of this wonderful community tradition in downtown Johnson.

Story & Havdalah
Join us for a potluck dinner to welcome new members to our intergenerational community! Bring the kids, too! We will read a story, perform the Havdalah blessings (volunteers welcome!) and share a meal together in the Community Room! We will also be having a book "sale" to find good homes for our library overflow. Books are "sold" by donation of your choice, and can be left in the tzedakah box on the table by the door. Registration is encouraged please. We hope to see you there!
PJ Library in vermont
PJ Library in Vermont, now in our seventeenth year, is a program of Jewish Communities of Vermont. We partner with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to send a gift of monthly Jewish children's books to families across Vermont.
PJ Library Collaborates with local synagogues for family programs across the state. We have partnered with Temple Sinai, Ohavi Zedek, Havurah of Addison County, Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, Beth Jacob Synagogue, Shir Shalom, Kol HaEmek, Chabad of Vermont and Rutland Jewish Center, Israel Congregation Manchester, Beth El Bennington and Congregation Beth El St. Johnsbury.
We know that something magical happens when parents sit down together to read with their children. PJ Library shares Jewish stories that can help your family talk together about values and traditions that are important to you. Your children are constantly learning about the world around them through the stories they hear. PJ Library books can bring Jewish ideas and inspiration for you and your children to share together.
We also offer ways for families to meet each other through in-person and virtual family gatherings led by PJ Parent Connectors and other leaders in the community. We offer monthly Shabbat and holiday gatherings, gardening opportunities, meet-ups in different locations throughout Vermont and more!
Families raising kids from birth through 12 years old with Judaism as part of their lives, are welcome to sign up. PJ Library welcomes all Jewish families, whatever your background, knowledge, family make-up, or observance may be.
When your child is 8.5 years old, they are eligible for the next chapter of PJ Library called, “PJ Our Way.” Like PJ Library of Vermont, PJ Our Way is a monthly gift from many supporters throughout Vermont and beyond. Through PJ Our Way, children 9-12 are able to choose their own books each month, write reviews, make videos and are eligible to apply to be part of the PJ Our Way design team. Since it is a separate program, parents need to enroll their children by going to www.pjourway.org.
PJ Library in Vermont is made possible by donations from people like you including parents, grandparents and community members and through partnering with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. For books alone, our cost per child is $40/year. Pay it forward to help another family become part of the Jewish story in Vermont!
For more information, contact Alison Hill, PJ Library of Vermont
Annual PJ Library in Vermont Update
We are excited to share with you our
accomplishments this year. In 2022, Jewish Communities of Vermont, implementing partner for PJ Library in
Vermont, received a Signature Covenant Grant for a total of $150,000 for up to three years, to work on building
and expanding the Jewish community in Vermont for statewide community building programs for all ages. We just
received the grant for the second year.
Covenant Grant
Through the Covenant Grant, in 2022, JCVT awarded Mini grants to 13 synagogues and Jewish organizations to
bring the Jewish community together to celebrate Jewish cultural and communal events. We also co-sponsored
Jewish music concerts and a film festival. We know that in all the programs offered, many individuals and families
who attended were not members of synagogues or affiliated with the Jewish community.
We were very excited that so many Jewish organizations wanted to provide Jewish gatherings to the Jewish
community, especially to unaffiliated Jewish families and adults. There are so many Jews who want to be
connected to Jewish life but need a way to find their way in. We offered four regional events and many local
events as a doorway into being connected to the Jewish community.
At the largest regional gathering, Northern Nosh, we offered a Hanukkah puppet show, a children’s concert, and
an intergenerational songwriting workshop, all with well-known Jewish artists, including and Anna Sobel, Joanie
Leeds and Jon Gailmor. Popular and beloved puppeteer Anna Sobel also brought the audience into the puppet’s
world at two other regional events.
PJ Library in Vermont
PJ Library in Vermont is now a well-known and well-liked program. We send monthly books for over 600 kids in
Vermont ages 0-12. PJ Library families are encouraged to invite other families to do something Jewish together
through Get Together Grants, where they are reimbursed up to $100 for food. However, there are still many
people who don’t know about PJ Library and are very interested in enrolling once they know. We had a PJ Library
table at four regional events which was a great way to promote the program. Monthly Zoom and in-person
Shabbat and Holiday programs for families for families are very popular at Temple Sinai in Burlington. We also co-
sponsored many PJ Library programs with other synagogues throughout the state. During Hanukkah, PJ Library in
Vermont cosponsored a public Menorah lighting at the State Capital where attendees were invited inside the
Statehouse to hear the Governor read a PJ Library story to children, to sing Hanukkah songs with a local Jewish
musician and enjoy local cider, hot latkes and donuts. At the regional gatherings and Hanukkah party, PJ Library
books were given out to all.
Harold Grinspoon Grant for Family Education
Through the Parenting Education Grant, state-wide parenting classes and family programs on Zoom and in person
are currently being offered using traditional and modern sources for topics including Feeding the Family, Teaching
our Children about Tzedakah and Encouraging Gratitude. Outdoor Family programs that have been offered at the
Living Tree Alliance Jewish Moshav included Tu B’Shvat and Shugar and Shmooze. Upcoming programs will be
Mother’s Day on the Farm and Shavuot on the Mountain. A week-long Jewish children’s overnight camp will be
offered this summer at Living Tree Alliance, co-sponsored by PJ Library in Vermont. PJ Library families can apply
for a grant for this camp and any overnight Jewish summer camp.
PJ Library Collaborations with local synagogues for family programs across the state have included Temple Sinai,
Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, Beth Jacob, Shir Shalom, Chabad of Vermont and Rutland Jewish Center
Tamim academy
Tamim academy
Vermont’s first and only Jewish day school is located in the heart of Burlington. Guided by leading educators and enriched by the spirit of community, Tamim Academy prepared students for purposeful lives by empowering them with a positive self- concept, a passion for learning and eternal Jewish values.
More information is at: www.tamimvt.org