Area Wide Adult Ed Series And Torah Studies
Many congregations and clergy in Vermont offer torah study groups or even personal torah study arrangements.
Additional resources on torah study can be found online:
Meets every Wednesday, 11am-12 pm The Jewish History Book Group is now reading All About Me, by Mel Brooks.
For more information, contact Gene Sklar.
In Person and on Zoom Zoom Link Meeting ID: 509 351 796
TEMPLE SINAI UNIVERSITY- Thursdays, March 13 - May 15, 6:15 pm
We are excited to announce a new series of classes here at Temple Sinai on Thursday nights. The spring semester will take place on March 13 through May 15. The evening begins at 6:15 pm with a community potluck, followed by two sessions, the first session at 6:45 pm and the second session at 7:45 pm.
Childcare will be available throughout.
The following classes will be offered during the spring semester:
Israel and Palestine, led by Rabbi Edelson.
Jewish Cooking, led by a team of teachers.
Conversational Hebrew, led by Meital Bator Johnson
In addition, the Knitsvah Craft Group will be meeting in the Social Hall during the potluck hour!
A fall semester is also being planned, with classes in Torah Chanting and Living a Jewish Life.
This one hour conversation continues monthly on zoom. We are a gathering of elders. We share and reflect on what is most important to us about aging, grandparenting, parenting and whatever stands out at the time. We are comforted by each other’s listening. If you would like to join, please contact Judy
1:30-2:30, the 3rd Wednesday each month by zoom.
Drop In Mah Jongg every Wednesday morning from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Caring for Ourselves While We Care About the World: Towards Individual and Communal JCOGS Action (via Zoom) From Purim to Pesach: Freedom and Transformation
Israel & the Diaspora:
Learning Sessions with Rabbi David ONLINE ONLY
Three Sessions: Wednesdays
March 19th 6:45-8:00pm
March 26th 6:45-8:15pm
April 2nd 6:45-8:15pm
Join Rabbi David to explore the questions and the visceral pull of Jewish peoplehood in this three-part series on Israel-Diaspora relations
Rutland Jewish Center
For schedule and info/registration for the classes, please contact the RJC Office.
Israel Congregation Manchester Tuesday’s Adult Education
in person and via Zoom!
10:30 am Join us as Cantor Buckner moderates our continued exploration of the Jewish Book of wisdom, Proverbs. Open your minds and expand your horizons! Previous attendance not a requirement. Study Materials.