Personnel &
Board Members
JCVT Executive Director
Rabbi Tobie Weisman
Rabbi Tobie Weisman, MSW, is Executive Director of Jewish Communities of Vermont. She is the Founding Director of the Yearning for Learning Center for Jewish Studies. Through a partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Yearning for Learning Center for Jewish Studies in 2008, she founded the PJ Library in Vermont which is now a program of Jewish Communities of Vermont. Rabbi Tobie received her ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion, a trans-denominational rabbinical school in New York City. She is a member and lay rabbi of Beth Jacob Synagogue.
Social Media Coordinator
Dar Hall
I’m Dar (Chandar) and have been working for JCVT for approximately 9 years. I live the Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts with my dog and cat, I also have an amigurumi crochet business. I’m the Social Media Coordinator and admin for JCVT. I host our Facebook page, Website, Weekly Events Newsletter, and all things media. I look forward to continuing and building the content you want to see.
Alison Hill, Havurah Initiative Coordinator
Alison Hill is the Coordinator of the Havurah Initiative. She has a B.A. in Psychology and an M.S. in Physical Therapy. She has been a long-time teacher at the Hebrew School at the Israel Congregation of Manchester, where she is a member. She and her family have had several extended trips to Israel where she worked for the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. She serves as a Justice of the Peace for the town of Manchester.
Board of Directors
Jim Grossman
Rach Margolis
Susan Leff
Rick Gordon
Scott Hertzberg