Visioning “Jewish Communities of Vermont”
On August 11, 2013, with the leadership of founding JCVT Executive Director Susan Leff, 40 Jewish leaders from around Vermont gathered for a full day of dreaming about the possibilities for a greater Vermont Jewish community. Topics focused on collaboration, learning, communication, programming, social justice, Tzedakah and much more.
This meeting was motivated by two identified needs: a reliable means of communicating with Jewish communities and organizations around the state and the need for a state-wide calendar so that people could be informed of the many interesting Jewish events and programs available around the state. At the same time, there was interest in establishing a state-wide organization that could provide resources to support and connect Jewish organizations.
Since its inception, JCVT has been helping make connections throughout Vermont by: bringing together clergy, co-sponsoring events, distributing a weekly newsletter and sharing Jewish programming throughout the state, organizing Regional Gatherings and bringing together thousands of Jews from Vermont and neighboring states!
JCVT is proud to host PJ Library in Vermont. By bringing books to children and family education to parents, PJ Library supports the Vermont Jewish community in countless ways large and small!