JCVT Teens
JCVT Teens
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With the support of the Harold Grinspoon foundation, JCVT has been supporting teen programming in the state of Vermont for the past three years. Through partnerships with local synagogues, JCVT has hosted multiple weekend retreats focused on youth leadership and has hosted mini programs around the state. This year, we are offering up to $500 in funds to individual groups who will plan an event and invite at least 2 other cohorts from other synagogues to join them, encouraging friendships and collaboration outside of their own synagogue.
Our goals are to:
Nurture Jewish organizations and leaders working presently with youth grades 6-12 and build on the success of this year’s joint teen programs.
Empower youth to take on leadership roles in the local Jewish community.
Encourage and support collaboration between teen leaders throughout the state.
Engage youth in the years before and after their Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Jewish social events statewide and to build social connections and leadership that will carry into their high school years.
For more information, email: rebtobie@jcvt.org