Shmita Mini Grants Proposal Form Available Now

Thanks to the support of the Covenant Foundation, JCVT is able to offer mini-grants of up to $1000 for Jewish organizations and individuals to develop programs that engage Jewish Vermonters in reflection, renewal and recommitment to create community and address issues of social justice. The overall goal of the Covenant Grant is to unite the Jewish community in Vermont around shared activities that include upcoming music programming, a speakers series, Shabbat Across Vermont, a statewide Jewish Life course, Ski-Ride Purim, and one day regional gatherings to bring people together.

We will begin reviewing these mini-grants March 14. The maximum grant amount we expect is $1000 but you can access more funding by collaborating with another organization. Please describe these partnerships in the Project Description section. We intend the proposal process to be not cumbersome and are happy to work with you to develop your proposal. Below are the questions we ask you to copy into a document you get back to Tobie Weisman by March 14.

Shmita Project Proposal Form

Organization Name:

Contact Person and Phone:

Project Title and Goals:

Learning Objective(s):

Project Description (what, when, with whom):

How you intend to include others beyond your congregation:

How will this project benefit your organization and the larger Jewish community beyond your congregation?

How will it increase Jewish engagement? (100 words maximum)

Schedule for project: Timeline

Budget Proposal (total budget, request from JCVT)--See attached form

Number of participants expected

This project will be successful if…. (100 words maximum)

How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the project? (100 words maximum)

Unrelated to this project (but a required element of this proposal as it is part of the Covenant grant), we are planning for a biweekly, online “Jewish Life” class taught by a different facilitator each session on a topic they find interesting and important. We hope every congregation provides at least one person who can lead at least one class (this can be a great showcase/recruiting tool for your congregation and a big contribution to the Jewish community statewide). Please give us contact information for one or more individuals connected to your congregation who you think we can count on to lead a class (this isn’t a commitment yet, but gives us some names to follow up with). Thanks.

Project Budget: Make a copy of this budget spreadsheet.


Passover: Increasing the Light


JCVT Chosen for Convenant Grant