Governor's Inauguration Brachah
Governor's Inauguration Brachah
By Rabbi David Fainsilber 1/9/25
Full video- Rabbi David speaks at minute 47:15
Coming together in the midst of winter's chill,
help us, G-d of Life,
to feel the warmth among us
gathering by the civic haarth (hearth),
as we wish mazel tov, from the Hebrew, “good luck”
to Governor Scott, the statewide officers, and the legislators
in their positions serving Vermonters.
Chei HaOlamim,
Eternal Living One,
let me speak to You, O G-d, from my heart,
according to my Jewish faith,
in this Statehouse,
before these honourable people—
each filled with dignity and worth.
Let us pause and look around at our fellow Vermonters,
meeting each other’s eyes,
seeing one another as created in Your image,
each imbued with sacred purpose. [PAUSE.]
As I consider my words before these elected officials,
I keep thinking about some conversations with folks in Vermont—
each of them also created in Your image—
conversations that are keeping me up at night,
and that call me to action.
In recalling each person—
I invite our elected officials and fellow Vermonters
to please join me in offering our prayers and commitment to them.
Like the dear friend and colleague,
a brilliant working mother, a community leader,
who told me of her employment uncertainty,
who is living without a proper kitchen,
and whose landlord neglects
ongoing issues in her family’s home.
Or the wonderful mother, an incredible artist,
who has recently attempted suicide,
in part, because she is anxious
about losing her current housing.
Or the couple who are both transgender,
good neighbourly people, wise people,
who live afraid for their lives in the current climate.
Or that family with young kids I spoke to,
after losing their home due to the flooding,
concerned it could happen again.
And the seniors I pastor who contributed
to their families and this country,
who are suffering from isolation.
And the boy—among too many—
targeted with antisemitism in one of our local schools.
And the teen who is dealing with racism.
Or the many I speak to about their struggles with mental health.
Or that conversation that still plagues me
with the father who was sleeping in the car with his family
through a Vermont winter,
still trying to get his kids to school on time.
God of “the orphan, the widow, the stranger,”
the most vulnerable among us—
You filled each one of us
with a spark of life that cannot be extinguished,
each of us with intrinsic worth and vast potential,
each of us with many identities and a unique purpose to offer.
Each person I shared about
is created B’tzelem Elohim, in Your Divine image.
I know this because each one is
utterly incredible and inspiring.
How, despite challenges,
each contributes to their communities with their uniqueness.
Imagine how much more each person could offer of themselves
if they weren’t struggling to survive.
What a gift to their families, Vermont, and the world,
if they had the support to thrive to their fullest potential.
As we say in our weekly prayers at our congregation:
Oh G-d, "Bless our diverse inhabitants equally in the light of Your presence,
that we might build together a society
based upon compassion, justice, and opportunity for all."
Compassionate G-d,
may Governor Scott and all of these lawmakers and their families
lead lives of meaning and value.
Affirming each day the sacred purpose in their governing,
help our lawmakers to know the power in their words and deeds.
Imbue them with dignity
that they might help to build a society
that affirms the worth and potential of all—
one conversation, one deed, and one legislation at a time.
Guide them to see fellow citizens and all those who dwell here,
as neighbours and friends,
cultivating circles of care—so everyone feels supported.
Lead them into their communities
to ask what keeps Vermonters up at night,
actively seeking the voices of the voiceless.
Joining Vermonters together as one sacred, diverse tapestry,
may you, our political leaders,
in relationship with community leaders and all those you serve,
model a cooperative way forward
for our painfully fractured country
and for our broken, yet beautiful world.
Across Vermont and beyond,
may we all come to know,
as the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,
tied in a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
Thank you for this humbling opportunity to stand before you,
I appreciate each of you
and your service to others.
And so, let me end with a traditional prayer to G-d,
upon new and renewed commitments,
at this inaugural ceremony and for this next term,
and gratitude for our already abundant blessings.
If you know the Shehecheyanu blessing in the Hebrew,
please join in, followed by the English:
Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech Haolam,
Shehecheyanu vekiyemanu vehigiyanu lazeman hazeh.
Blessed are You, Breath of Life, Guide of this universe,
Who brings us life and sustains our every breath,
and who has brought us to this auspicious, sacred moment.
And let us say: Amen.