Menorah Lighting at the State House

By Rabbi Tobie Weisman

December 26,2024

Happy Hanukkah! I am Rabbi Tobie Weisman, Director of Jewish Communities of Vermont, a statewide Jewish organization that brings Jews and friends of Jews together throughout the state to celebrate our Jewish heritage. I would like to sincerely thank Governor Phil Scott, Vermont Supreme Court Justice Bill Cohen. and the entire State House staff for welcoming the Jewish community tonight to the State House on the 2nd night of Hanukkah. Thank you to Rabbi Raskin and Rabbi Junik and Chabad of Vermont for bringing us all together tonight to celebrate Hanukkah. 

During the darkest days of the year, Hanukkah comes to shine light into the darkness. 

Hanukkah means both dedication and education.  Our sages teach us not to focus on the miraculous military victory, but on the spiritual one, where one cruise of pure oil was found to light the Menorah in the holy Temple in Jerusalem, and instead of lasting for one day, it lasted for eight.  

What is the main message that we need to dedicate ourselves to when educating our children and each other about Hanukkah? The most important message of Hanukkah is that the hidden oil that was found over 2000 years ago in the Temple in Jerusalem, represents the hidden, infinite light that resides within each of us.  Each one of us has an infinite, unique, pure light that never existed before.  We all need to be able to find and shine our own unique light into the world that only we can shine.  Our sages teach us that just like a flame does not diminish when it lights another candle, our light only grows when we help another person’s unique light to shine. 

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach says, what is utter darkness of the soul? The deepest darkness is the thought that I am utterly alone. Being a Jew today can feel very lonely, especially in the past year. But, we are heartened tonight to be lighting the Menorah and celebrating Hanukkah with the Governor and statehouse staff and our other allies. We know we are not alone. You are giving the Jewish community the strength and the courage to shine our unique light into the world.

We are also aware that there are many people in our communities in Vermont and beyond who are not able to shine and share their light and also are feeling very alone. We need to help to find the hidden light within each other and be like the Shamash, the middle candle of the Menorah that lights all the other candles of the Menorah.  We need to help each person find their hidden light and lift them up, so they too can share their unique light. As we light the Menorah tonight and on each night of Hanukkah, let us see the light reflected in ourselves and each other and help to lift each other up so we all can shine our light even stronger. Let us visualize a time when every person will be able to shine their light, creating a time of peace and harmony for all people.

Happy Hanukkah!

Lewis Franco on guitar, Shawna Shapiro and Navah Fried sing song entitled On This Hanukkah, original song by Vermont resident Shawna Shapiro

Vermont Statehouse Menorah Lighting


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