
 Jewish Communities of Vermont Blog

Our blog shares posts reflecting on Jewish life in Vermont and linking to resources related to Jewish culture, food, family, and leading a Jewish life.

We also highlight Jewish organizations and events in Vermont and beyond!

Chandar Hall Chandar Hall

Governor's Inauguration Brachah

Governor's Inauguration Brachah

Coming together in the midst of winter's chill, 

help us, G-d of Life, 

to feel the warmth among us 

gathering by the civic haarth (hearth),

as we wish mazel tov, from the Hebrew, “good luck”

to Governor Scott, the statewide officers, and the legislators

in their positions serving Vermonters.

As I consider my words before these elected officials,

I keep thinking about some conversations with folks in Vermont—

each of them also created in Your image—

conversations that are keeping me up at night,

and that call me to action.

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