Rutland Jewish Center
Organization Description – As the only synagogue in a wide geographic area, we welcome and support all those who cast their lot with the Jewish people, regardless of prior knowledge, background or orientation. We offer religious, spiritual, educational, cultural and community services and programs. We celebrate Shabbat and all holidays in our historic downtown building as well as in beautiful outdoor locations. Our educational programs appeal to beginning and advanced learners, and our cultural programs range from the music of Ladino culture and theater nights to Israeli film festivals and visits to a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish sites of interest.
Our Services: Our services are now virtual. Times alternate between Friday nights at 7:30 and alternating Saturday Mornings at 9:30.
For news on Rutland Jewish Center Services and Events, please check our website.
Friday nights for joyous Kabbalat Shabbat celebration
Friday Nights
Kabbalat Services take place on alternate Friday nights. Services are followed by a light Oneg or a potluck supper. Our calendar will keep you posted as to times.
Shabbat mornings for gratitude, learning, and contemplation
Second and Fourth Saturdays
9:30 – 11:40 am
Shabbat services take place on alternate weekends.
Join us for morning prayers, a lively Torah service, discussion, and group aliyot. Services followed by a light kiddush. For times click here.
Holiday Services and events to celebrate the cycle of the year.
In addition to holiday services we frequently host holiday events. Our calendar and news listings will keep you up-to-date.
Contact information:
Email: office@rutlandjewishcenter.org
Rabbi Ellie Shemtov
Rutland Jewish Center 96
Grove Street Rutland VT 05701
Tel: 802-773-3455