Ruach HaMaqom
Mission Statement – Ruach haMaqom provides opportunity for diverse faith traditions to come together in loving community and become a beacon for the healing of our world.
Organization Description – Ruach haMaqom is the first Jewish Renewal congregation in Vermont. Jewish Renewal is a post-denominational form of Judaism that emerged in America in the 1960’s. Renewal combines the joy of traditional Hasidism, the open-mindedness and creativity of the Havurah movement, the socially progressive values of egalitarianism, and the inter-faith dialogue that is the model for contemporary spirituality.
Over a century old, our sanctuary is the oldest synagog in Vermont, stunningly gorgeous, and a historically significant piece of architecture. The sanctuary is located in the heart of the Old North End in Burlington Vermont. This neighborhood was known as “Little Jerusalem” in the early 20th century. Learn more about our sanctuary and Little Jerusalem in this Vermont PBS documentary.
While channeling an ancient past, Congregation Ruach haMaqom forges the future of an engaged Judaism. What does the future of your spiritual life look like? Join us and we’ll support you in your ever-evolving and fruitful journey.
Congregation Ruach haMaqom 168 Archibald St. Burlington, VT 05401
Contact information:
Email: ruachhamaqom@gmail.com or Tel: 802.236.0735
Rabbi Jan Salzman
Email: Rabbijan@ruachhamaqom.org
Tel: 802.356.1668