Middlebury College Hillel
Mission Statement – Middlebury College Hillel exists to discuss and debate contemporary Jewish issues, to practice familiar and meaningful traditions, to give students an opportunity to explore their Jewish identity, and to enjoy the company of great people on campus! Hillel provides an outlet for those interested in Judaism and Jewish issues. Such outlets may include, but are not limited to, the provision of religious services, the maintenance of a kosher kitchen, the sponsorship of educational events relating to Jewish issues, and the support of events whose purpose is to bring together Jewish students on campus in a social environment. In addition Hillel strives to promote social justice and Israel awareness. Hillel will endeavor to address the needs of Jewish students on campus.
Organization Description – Middlebury College Hillel is the Jewish student organization on Middlebury’s campus. Run by a board of students, it creates Jewish community on campus through religious, cultural, educational, and social programming for students. During the academic year it holds a weekly Friday evening service and dinner on campus. The focus of programming ranges from Jewish food, to Israe,l to text study, to holidays, to just plain fun. All are welcome regardless of background or identity.
Affiliated with International Hillel
Contact information:
Email: hillel@middlebury.edu
Rabbi Danielle Stillman
Email: dastillman@middlebury.edu
Tel: 802-443-5762