Havurah- The Addison County Jewish Congregation
Organization Description – Havurah is an inclusive, non-denominational Jewish community, currently consisting of approximately 75 individual members and families. As the only Jewish congregation in the rural 80-mile stretch between Rutland and South Burlington, Vermont, Havurah provides the Jewish population in and around Addison County with opportunities for Jewish education, spiritual engagement, organized tzedakah efforts, social action opportunities and more!
Because our community comprises a rich diversity of Jewish backgrounds and education, our volunteer-driven, lay-led congregation creates Jewish experiences that are unique and strive to meet people where they are on their Jewish journey.
Our bi-monthly Shabbat services are conducted by Havurah members and range in theme and style. Each year we co-sponsor High Holiday Services with Middlebury College. Sarit Katzew serves as our Program & Outreach Coordinator, and also our Director of Education for our weekly Hebrew School and all our multi-generational learning programs. We are unaffiliated, a melting pot of various traditions.
Havurah House, our home on North Pleasant Street (Route 7) in Middlebury, was generously donated to Havurah by the Lazarus family, and renovated with funds raised from the membership. It is now a fully functioning house of prayer, study, and celebration, with classroom space to serve our Hebrew School, a sanctuary, and a social hall, which accommodates our larger events.
Visit www.havurahaddisoncounty.org or find us on Facebook!
56 North Pleasant St., P.O. Box 823, Middlebury, VT 05753
Contact information:
Email: hheddirector@gmail.com
Sarit Katzew
Director of Education/Program & Outreach Coordinator
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