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Tu Bishvat Virtual Lobby Day for Climate Solutions with Jewish Earth Alliance

Take Action for People and Planet on Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat Virtual Lobby Day for Climate Solutions with Jewish Earth Alliance

February 13, 2025

Register Now

Join climate-concerned Jews across Vermont and the Jewish Earth Alliance for Tu Bishvat -- our Jewish Earth Day. On Tu Bishvat we remember our dependence on nature and our responsibility to take care of Earth so that it can take care of us.

Today the Earth itself is threatened by climate change. This Tu Bishvat we will take action to urge our senators towards a just transition. By advocating for policies to clean up the pollution caused by fossil fuels, build renewable energy capacity, and further equity by investing in communities, we act on our shared Jewish values of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and Bal Tashchit (not to waste), as well as our imperative to be Shomrei Adamah (stewards of the land).

You can make a difference on Tu Bishvat by joining members of our community for a virtual meeting with your Senators and their staff. Jewish Earth Alliance, the organizing power of this meeting, will provide you with everything you need to participate. Join us on Zoom, February 13th 2025 to Register now.

February 12

Tu B’shvat at VT Cider Lab

February 13

Challah Baking Class